February 20, 2015

learning = saving money

If there's one thing I really like doing is shopping. Although, I hate spending too much money on food. I think it's just wasting money to make me fatter, which I really don't need!

Like every person that goes living in another country, when you leave your culture, you leave your gastronomic taste behind as well. But there are somethings that we just can't live without. I'm going through that.

In the beginning everything is new, you're discovering new places, tastes, people... Long-story-short, you don't miss anything that you left behind. Believe me, after six months, your heart will just feel out of place. You'll look at your old pictures, old friends, old life, and you will miss it. But don't worry, there's nothing you can't do.

One of my favourite things to do in Brazil was to go out to eat sushi. I love sushi and I could live of it. However, I knew Canadian sushi wouldn't be the same. Sushi is different in every country. Including Brazil. We have strawberry, cream cheese, and guava sushi, can you picture that? It's DELICIOUS!

Sushi is expensive everywhere (though here in Canada is way cheaper than it is in Brazil). I used to pay a lot of money, and I would go out to eat sushi at least 3-4 times a week - that's how much I love sushi hahaha.

I never had the guts to make sushi myself in Brazil. I knew it was too hard to make the rice, it took a long time, and I'm not the type of person who is very patient to cook. But the other day, I went to Safeway with my mom and I found Sushi Rice. That got me very excited. I looked at the back of the package and I read that you only had to cook it with water and add a little bit of vinegar once finished. Then I got seaweed and salmon and went home.

There is one type of sushi I love that I've never seen it here in Winnipeg. It's called Hot Philadelphia. Our Philadelphia sushi is different then the one I ate here. It had yam tempura, cucumber, avocado (i'm still having a little hard time getting used with the avocado in the sushi), cream cheese, and smoked salmon on top of the seaweed. Ours is just salmon and cream cheese, but Hot Philadelphia is deep fried.

So the next day, after I went to Safeway, I made Philadelphia and Hot Philadelphia for lunch. And it worked!

And here's the result:

It was SO GOOD!

If you want to try, it's SUPER easy to make.

Here is my recipe:


Sushi Rice:

1 cup Sun Rice Sushi Rice
2 cups water

Directions: Follow package's instructions to cook rice, and once it's done, add 3-4 tbsp vinegar and let it cool.

Frying batter:

1 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup water (sometimes a little bit more, or a little bit less)
1 tbsp baking powder

Directions: mix all ingredients together until homogeneous.

Tare sauce p.s.: it's a lot of sauce, you can keep it in the refrigerator and use it several times.:

500 ml Sake
500 ml Soy sauce
500 g Sugar

Directions: Whisk all the ingredients together in a medium pan on a medium heat. When it starts boiling, turn the heat down and keep mixing it until it's thick. Let it cool.

Sushi filling:

Cream cheese

Directions: Once rice is cold, place a seaweed sheet on top of a sushi mat - note that there is two sides: a glossy one and a coarse one. The glossy side should be facing the mat. Moist your hands with water and grab a handful of rice. Press the rice unto 3/4 of the sheet. Cut a string of salmon and place it in the middle of the rice part. Grand a handful of cream cheese and place it besides the salmon. Start rolling on the part that has rice. Cut the roll in half. Dip it in the frying dough and deep fry it.


Happy last days of reading week! :)

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